Sunday, April 14, 2019

Why did not Ravna touch Sita? was he really great?

In recent days I found some posts and poetry moving around facebook saying Ravna as a great person who did not touch Sita, just abducted. He would have forced her but he did not, he waited for her agreement. So, definitely he becomes a great person by not forcing a women for filling up desires. I tried to dig Ramayana-

In Ramayana its clearly said by Walmiki that Ravna had a habit of abducting women and forcing them for physical contact. He enjoyed hundreds of women. Even Ravna himself tells Sita:

स्वधर्मो रक्षसां भीरु सर्वथैव न संशयः |
गमनं वा परस्त्रीणाम् हरणम् सम्प्रमथ्य वा || ५-२०-५
-O one with fear! Obtaining women belonging to others or abducting by force is the righteous deed for ogres by all means. There is no doubt in this.

-And Ravna had done this several times. Just before the Battle, Ravana called assembly where one Asur asked him to enjoy Sita by forcing her. On this, Ravna narrated a story that Once he saw one Apsara "Punjikasthala" going to Brahma Bhavan. He ripped off her clothes and enjoyed her. She went to Brahma later, then Brahma cursed Ravna that if he enjoys any women by force then his head would cut down in 100 pieces.

So Ravna had a great fear of this curse. So, he tried all the ways to seed desire about him in Seeta's heart but never enjoyed her. This was a major aspect why Ravna did not enjoy her. We must know that it was not his greatness to leave Sita.

पितामहस्य भवनम् गच्चन्तीम् पुञ्जिकस्थलाम् |
चञ्चूर्यमाणामद्राक्षमाकाशेऽग्निशिखामिव || ६-१३-११
-Once I saw a celestial nymph, Punjikasthala(by name) flashing like a flame, concealing herself in the sky and proceeding towards the abode of Brahma
सा प्रसह्य मया भुक्ता कृता विवसना ततः |
स्वयम्भूभवनम् प्राप्ता लोलिता नलिनी यथा || ६-१३-१२
-She was made unclothed by me and was enjoyed forcibly. Thereafter, appearing like a crumpled lotus, she went to the abode of Brahma
तच्च तस्य तदा मन्ये ज्ञातमासीन्महात्मनः |
अथ सम्कुपितो वेधा मामिदम् वाक्यमब्रवी || ६-१३-१३
-I think that the matter was made known to the high soled Brahama and then the enraged Brahma spoke to me the following words
अद्यप्रभृति यामन्याम् बलान्नारीम् गमिष्यसि |
तदा ते शतधा मुर्धा फलिष्यति न संशयः || ६-१३-१४
-From today onwards, if you revel with any other woman forcibly, your head then undoubtedly will break asunder into a hundred pieces
इत्यहम् तस्य शापस्य भीतः प्रसभमेव ताम् |
नारोहये बलात्सीताम् वैदेहीम् शय्ने शुभे || ६-१३-१५
-Fearing the curse given in this manner by Brahama, I am not violently making Sita the daughter of Videha, to mount on my beautiful bed forcibly

Above Translations and shlokas are referred from:

I hope here onward no sister will ask for a brother like Ravana.

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